Wood, R. H. , The impact of commercial crab traps on northern diamondback terrapins, malaclemys terrapin terrapin. Paper presented at Conservation, Restoration and Management of Tortoises and Turtles - An international Conference, New York, USA. |
Added by: Admin 17 Aug 2008 18:55:04 UTC |
Pop. 3.25%
Wood, R. H., & Herlands, R. , Turtles and tires: the impact of road kills on northern diamondback terrapin, malaclemys terrapin terrapin, populations on the cape may peninsula, southern new jersey. Paper presented at Conservation, Restoration and Management of Tortoises and Turtles - An international Conference, New York, USA. |
Added by: Admin 17 Aug 2008 18:55:04 UTC |
Pop. 3%