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Jones, M. T., & Compton, B. W. (2010). Glyptemys insculpta (wood turtle). maximum adult size. Herpetological Review, 41(1), 71. 
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich (12 Dec 2010 20:43:07 UTC)
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Jones2010
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Categories: General
Keywords: Emydidae, Glyptemys, Glyptemys insculpta, Habitat = habitat, Nordamerika = North America, Schildkröten = turtles + tortoises
Creators: Compton, Jones
Collection: Herpetological Review
Views: 4/624
Views index: 10%
Popularity index: 2.5%
On 21 June 2009, we captured an adult male Glyptemys insculpta in a tributary ofthe Kennebec River in Somerset County, Maine, USA. This turtle had been captured and radiotracked as a sub adult by BWC in 1998 (Compton 1999. Ecology and Conservation of the Wood Turtle in Maine. Unpubl. M.S. thesis, Univ. of Maine, Orono). Age estimates from plastral annuli in 1998 and 2009 indicate that the animal was ca. 25 years old upon recapture in 2009. Carapace and plastron dimensions were measured using a 12-inch dial caliper and the animal was subsequently released at the capture location. Shell dimensions (to nearest 0.1 mm) were as follows: straightline carapace length (SCL)(from cranial end of nuchal scute to caudal end of seam between 12th marginal scutes): 240.0; maximum carapace length (MCL)(from cranial edge of 1 st or 2nd marginal scute to caudal end of 12th marginal scute): 251.0; straightline plastron length (from cranial end of seam between gular scutes to caudal end of seam between anal scutes): 200.9; maximum plastron length (from cranial edge ofleft gular scute to caudal edge left anal scute): 220.2; plastron width (at seam between humeral and pectoral scutes): 89.4; carapace width (at 8th marginal scutes): 180.3. Body mass was 1895 g. This turtleis markedly largerthan the ten adult male G. insculpta measured at this site by Compton (1999) (MCL median = 215.0 mm; MCL max = 232.5 mm) and 48 adult male G. insculpta from New Hampshire (MCL median = 190.8; MCL max = 208.8) and 198 adult male G. insculpta from Massachusetts (MCL median = 188.5; MCLmax = 213.9) measured by MTJ (Iones 2009. Spatial Ecology, Population Structure, and Conservation of the Wood Turtle in Central New England. Unpubl. Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. ofMassachusetts,Amherst). The animal's current shell dimensions appear to be larger than most or all reported measurements from across the range of G. insculpta. Saumure (1992. Herpetol. Rev. 23:116) reported two extremely large males from Pontiac Co., Quebec, with carapace lengths of238.0 and 234.5 mm. In a review ofthe status ofWood Turtles in Quebec, where the species appears to attain a relatively large adult size, Galois and Bonin (1999. Rapport sur la situation de la tortue des bois (Clemmys insculpta) au Quebec. Faune et Parcs Quebec, Direction de la faune et des habitats, Quebec) reported a maximum carapace length of 244 mm. The authors did not indicate whether this represented SCL or MCL in the sense outlined above.
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich  
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