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Marquez, C. B. (1995). Historia natural y dimorfismo sexual de la tortuga kinosternon scorpioides en palo verde costa rica. Revista de Ecologia Latinoamericana, 2(1-3), 37–44. 
Added by: Admin (23 Aug 2008 15:33:05 UTC)
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Marquez1995
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Categories: General
Keywords: Fortpflanzung = reproduction, Habitat = habitat, Kinosternidae, Kinosternon, Kinosternon scorpioides, Mittelamerika = Central America, Schildkröten = turtles + tortoises
Creators: Marquez
Collection: Revista de Ecologia Latinoamericana
Views: 2/615
Views index: 8%
Popularity index: 2%
The turtle Kinosternon scorpioides belongs to the Family Kinosternidae, of wich, in Costa Rica, occur two very common species and two uncommon species. Sexual dimorphism is important in these reptiles to facilitate the study of their ecology in the two morphs. Certainly, care must be taken in the manipulation of females when they are in an advanced gravid state. Both sexes are equal in the total number of scutes in both regions (ventral and dorsal) and in placing their two large scutes against the dorsal when they feel something strange next to them. The sexes are not equal in color, in the form of the plastron, or in the size of body or tail. The differences in straight plastron length and curved carapace length are significant (P < 0.005), while differences in curved carapace width and biomass are highly significant (P < 0.001). In both parameters, females show a relatively greater size than the males. In the sample of twenty-four individuals, the proportion of sexes was not 1:1, except in the size category of 601 to 700 grams.
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