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Holmes, P. A., & Bitterman, M. E. (1966). Spatial and visual habit reversal in the turtle. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 62(2), 328–331. 
Added by: Admin (13 Sep 2009 10:11:12 UTC)
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Holmes1966
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Categories: General
Keywords: Chrysemys, Chrysemys picta, Emydidae, Schildkröten = turtles + tortoises, Verhalten = ethology
Creators: Bitterman, Holmes
Collection: Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology
Views: 2/676
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Popularity index: 2.5%
Chrysemys picta Reversal learning in the painted turtle was studied in both spatial and visual problems. 2 spatial groups (1 reversed daily and the other every 4 days) gave clear evidence of improvement. 2 visual groups (1 reversed every 2 days and the other upon reaching the criterion of 17 out of 20 correct choices) also gave clear evidence of improvement, although with reversal every 4 days in the visual problem improvement did not appear either in an original experiment or in a replication. The relation of these results to those obtained with other animals is considered
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