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Zhang, F., & Wu, X.-B. (2005). Investigation on the status of the wild golden-headed box turtle in china. Chinese Wildlife, 5. 
Added by: Admin (28 Dec 2009 19:57:17 UTC)
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Zhang2005
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Categories: General
Keywords: Cuora, Cuora aurocapitata, Geoemydidae, Habitat = habitat, Ostasien = East Asia, Schildkröten = turtles + tortoises
Creators: Wu, Zhang
Collection: Chinese Wildlife
Views: 1/624
Views index: 9%
Popularity index: 2.25%
The golden-headed box turtle (Cuora aurocapitata) act as the special species in China, Luo Bi-Tao and Zong Yu named it the new species until 1988, A special survey on the geographical and distribution of the golden-headed box turtle. The result shows that there are less than 400 individual, remaining in the headwater or several branches of the Qingyi River, such as Guba town, Cai town and Gufeng town in Jing country and Hongxin town in Yi country. The golden-headed box turtle inhabit in the rivulet with the dense vegetation and the slot of the stone. The measure result shows that the Guba river lies in Sheng village and the Dingxi river from Dongyuan to Aiming are the favorable habitats.
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