Znari, M., Hichami, N., Hamidy, M. E., Namous, S., & Naimi, M. (2012). Osmotic responses of the souss valley tortoises (testudo graeca soussensis) to the effects of chronic drought in an arid area of west central morocco (abstract). African Herp News, 58, 85–86. |
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:25:33 UTC |
Pop. 4.25%
Znari, M., Hichami, N., Hamidy, M. E., Namous, S., & Naimi, M. , Osmotic responses of the souss valley tortoises (testudo graeca soussensis) to the effects of chronic drought in an arid area of west central morocco. Unpublished paper presented at World Congress of Herpetology. |
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 06 Jul 2014 16:17:32 UTC |
Pop. 11%