Meeske, A. C. M., Snieshkus, E., & Welter-Schultes, F. W. (2000). Aufzucht und wachstumsanalysen der europäischen sumpfschildkröte (emys orbicularis) aus litauen. Salamandra, 36(2), 89–102. |
Last edited by: Beate Pfau 07 Jul 2009 10:52:52 UTC |
Pop. 1.75%
Snieshkus, E. (1994). Reakklimatisationsmöglichkeiten der europäischen sumpfschildkröte (emys orbicularis). Elaphe N.F., 2 (3), 6–8. |
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 23 Aug 2008 14:57:15 UTC |
Pop. 1.75%
Snieshkus, E. (1998). Some observations on secondary sexual characteristics, sex ratio, and reproductive aspects of european pond turtles, emys orbicularis (linnaeus, 1758), in the former ussr. In U. Fritz, U. Joger, R. Podloucky & J. Servan (Eds.), Proceedings of the EMYS Symposium Dresden 96 10th ed. Vol. 10, (pp. 253–258). Rheinbach: DGHT. |
Added by: Admin 14 Aug 2008 20:40:51 UTC |
Pop. 1.75%
Snieshkus, E. , Europe pond turtle's (emys orbicularis l.) protect and reintroduction's project in lithuania. Paper presented at International Congress of Chelonian Conservation. |
Added by: Admin 23 Aug 2008 15:33:16 UTC |
Pop. 2.5%
Snieshkus, E. (1994). Zum verhalten der europäischen sumpfschildkröte emys orbicularis (linnaeus, 1758). Elaphe N.F., 2 (3), 11–14. |
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 23 Aug 2008 14:57:14 UTC |
Pop. 1.75%