Crocker, C. E., Feldman, R. A., Ultsch, G. R., & Jackson, D. C. (2000). Overwintering behavior and physiology of eastern painted turtles (chrysemys picta picta) in rhode island. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 78(6), 936–942. |
Added by: Admin 17 Aug 2008 18:17:15 UTC |
Pop. 2%
Crocker, C. E., Graham, T. E., Ultsch, G. R., & Jackson, D. C. (2000). Physiology of common map turtles (graptemys geographica) hibernating in the lamoille river, vermont. Journal of Experimental Biology, 286(2), 143–148. |
Added by: Admin 17 Aug 2008 17:23:46 UTC |
Pop. 2.25%
Crocker, C. E., Ultsch, G. R., & Jackson, D. C. (1999). The physiology of diving in a north-temperate and three tropical turtle species. Journal of Comparative Physiology B. Biochemical, Systems, and Environmental Physiology, 169(4-5), 249–255. |
Last edited by: Beate Pfau 28 Dec 2009 17:45:39 UTC |
Pop. 3.75%
Jackson, D. C., Crocker, C. E., & Ultsch, G. R. (2001). Mechanisms of homoeostasis during long-term diving and anoxia in turtles. Zoology, 103, 150–156. |
Added by: Admin 14 Aug 2008 20:40:41 UTC |
Pop. 2.25%
Jackson, D. C., & Ultsch, G. R. (2010). Physiology of hibernation under the ice by turtles and frogs. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology, 313A(5), 311–327. |
Added by: Admin 25 Aug 2010 21:58:49 UTC |
Pop. 2.25%
Reese, S. A., Jackson, D. C., & Ultsch, G. R. (2002). The physiology of overwintering in a turtle that occupies multiple habitats, the common snapping turtle (chelydra serpentina). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 75(5), 432–438. |
Added by: Admin 14 Aug 2008 20:35:31 UTC |
Pop. 2%
Reese, S. A., Stewart, R. E., Crocker, C. E., Jackson, D. C., & Ultsch, G. R. (2004). Geographic variation of the physiological response to overwintering in the painted turtle (chrysemys picta). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 77(4), 619–630. |
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:25:13 UTC |
Pop. 2.75%
Reese, S. A., Crocker, C. E., Carwile, M. E., Jackson, D. C., & Ultsch, G. R. (2001). The physiology of hibernation in common map turtles (graptemys geographica). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 130, 331–340. |
Added by: Admin 14 Aug 2008 22:46:53 UTC |
Pop. 2.25%
Reese, S. A., Crocker, C. E., Jackson, D. C., & Ultsch, G. R. (2000). The physiology of hibernation among painted turtles: the midland painted turtle (chrysemys picta marginata). Respiration Physiology, 124(1), 43–50. |
Added by: Admin 17 Aug 2008 17:23:58 UTC |
Pop. 2%
Ultsch, G. R., Carwile, M. E., Crocker, C. E., & Jackson, D. C. (1999). The physiology of hibernation among painted turtles: the eastern painted turtle chrysemys picta picta. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 72(4), 493–501. |
Last edited by: Admin 25 Aug 2010 22:01:36 UTC |
Pop. 2.25%