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Collection:  The Conservation Biology of Tortoises
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Baard, E. H. W. (1989). Psammobates geometricus - geomteric tortoise (english) suurpootje (afrikaans). In I. R. Swingland & M. W. Klemens (Eds.), The Conservation Biology of Tortoises (pp. 85–87).   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 28 Feb 2010 12:07:00 UTC Pop. 3.5%
Berry, K. H. (1989). Gopherus agassizii - desert tortoise. In I. R. Swingland & M. W. Klemens (Eds.), The Conservation Biology of Tortoises (pp. 5–7).   
Added by: Admin 24 Aug 2008 17:39:41 UTC Pop. 2.5%
Boycott, R. C., & Branch, W. (1989). Psammobates oculifer - serrated tortoise; kalahari tent tortoise; kalahari geometric tortoise (english) skulprandskilpad; kalahari-skilpad (afrikaans). In I. R. Swingland & M. W. Klemens (Eds.), The Conservation Biology of Tortoises (pp. 88–90).   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 28 Feb 2010 12:07:05 UTC Pop. 2.5%
Boycott, R. C. (1989). Homopus boulengeri - karoo padloper, boulenger's padloper, red padloper, biltong tortoise (english), karooskilpadjie, rooiskilpadjie, donderweerskilpad, biltongskilpad (afrikaans). In M. W. Klemens (Ed.), The Conservation Biology of Tortoises (pp. 78–79).   
Last edited by: Sarina Wunderlich 07 Sep 2008 21:04:36 UTC Pop. 3.25%
Boycott, R. C. (1989). Homopus signatus - namaqualand speckled padloper, peer's padloper (for southern race) (english), gifskilpadjie, klipskilpadjie, namaqualand-klipskilpadjie (afrikaans). In M. W. Klemens (Ed.), The Conservation Biology of Tortoises (pp. 82–84).   
Last edited by: Sarina Wunderlich 07 Sep 2008 21:07:49 UTC Pop. 2.75%
Branch, W. R. (1989). South africa. regional introduction. In I. R. Swingland & M. W. Klemens (Eds.), The Conservation Biology of Tortoises (pp. 65–67).   
Added by: Admin 24 Aug 2008 17:39:43 UTC Pop. 3.5%
Branch, W. R. (1992). Homopus bergeri - nama or berger's padloper (english), bergerse skilpad (afrikaans). In The Conservation Biology of Tortoises (pp. 11).   
Last edited by: Beate Pfau 10 Jan 2009 10:38:20 UTC Pop. 2.75%
Branch, W. (1989). Psammobates tentorius - tent tortoise; starred tortoise; union jack tortoise (english) knoppiesdopskilpad; tentskilpad; sterretjieskilpad; skuwedop; vlakskilpad; veldskilpad (afrikaans). In I. R. Swingland & M. W. Klemens (Eds.), The Conservation Biology of Tortoises (pp. 91–93).   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 28 Feb 2010 12:07:05 UTC Pop. 3%
Branch, W. R. (1989). Chersina angulata - angulate tortoise, bowsprit tortoise (english), rooipensskilpad, bontskilpad (afrikaans). In I. R. Swingland & M. W. Klemens (Eds.), The Conservation Biology of Tortoises (pp. 68–71).   
Added by: Admin 24 Aug 2008 17:39:43 UTC Pop. 3%
Branch, W. R. (1989). Homopus femoralis - greater padloper, karoo tortoise (english), vlakskilpad, bergskilpadjie, groter padloper (afrikaans). In I. R. Swingland & M. W. Klemens (Eds.), The Conservation Biology of Tortoises (pp. 80–81).   
Added by: Admin 24 Aug 2008 17:39:43 UTC Pop. 2.75%
Branch, W. R. (1989). Homopus areolatus - parrot-beaked tortoise, common padloper, areolated tortoise (english), padlopertje, papengaaibekskilpad (afrikaans). In I. R. Swingland & M. W. Klemens (Eds.), The Conservation Biology of Tortoises (pp. 72–74).   
Added by: Admin 24 Aug 2008 17:39:43 UTC Pop. 3%
Broadley, D. G. (1989). Geochelone pardalis - leopard tortoise (english), bergskilpad (afrikaans). In I. R. Swingland & M. W. Klemens (Eds.), The Conservation Biology of Tortoises (pp. 43–46).   
Added by: Admin 24 Aug 2008 17:39:44 UTC Pop. 2.5%
Broadley, D. G. (1989). Kinixys erosa - serrated hinged tortoise. In I. R. Swingland & M. W. Klemens (Eds.), The Conservation Biology of Tortoises (pp. 56–57).   
Added by: Admin 24 Aug 2008 17:39:44 UTC Pop. 2.75%
Broadley, D. G. (1989). Malacochersus tornieri - pancake tortoise; soft-shelled tortoise. In I. R. Swingland & M. W. Klemens (Eds.), The Conservation Biology of Tortoises (pp. 62–64).   
Added by: Admin 24 Aug 2008 17:39:44 UTC Pop. 3.25%
Broadley, D. G. (1989). Geochelone sulcata - spurred tortoise (english), abu gatta, abu gefne (arabic). In I. R. Swingland & M. W. Klemens (Eds.), The Conservation Biology of Tortoises (pp. 47–48).   
Added by: Admin 24 Aug 2008 17:39:44 UTC Pop. 3%
Broadley, D. G. (1989). Kinixys homeana - home's hinged tortoise. In I. R. Swingland & M. W. Klemens (Eds.), The Conservation Biology of Tortoises (pp. 58–59).   
Added by: Admin 24 Aug 2008 17:39:44 UTC Pop. 2.75%
Broadley, D. G. (1989). Tortoises of sub-saharan africa exclusive of south africa. In I. R. Swingland & M. W. Klemens (Eds.), The Conservation Biology of Tortoises (pp. 43–62).   
Added by: Admin 24 Aug 2008 17:39:43 UTC Pop. 3.75%
Broadley, D. G. (1989). Kinixys belliana - bell's hingeback tortoise. In I. R. Swingland & M. W. Klemens (Eds.), The Conservation Biology of Tortoises (pp. 49–55).   
Added by: Admin 24 Aug 2008 17:39:44 UTC Pop. 3.25%
Broadley, D. G. (1989). Kinixys natalensis - natal hinged tortoise. In I. R. Swingland & M. W. Klemens (Eds.), The Conservation Biology of Tortoises (pp. 60–61).   
Added by: Admin 24 Aug 2008 17:39:44 UTC Pop. 2.75%
Diemer, J. E. (1989). Gopherus polyphemus - gopher tortoise. In I. R. Swingland & M. W. Klemens (Eds.), The Conservation Biology of Tortoises (pp. 14–16).   
Added by: Admin 24 Aug 2008 17:39:47 UTC Pop. 2.25%
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