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Cebra-Thomas, J. A., Tan, F., Sistla, S., Estes, E., Bender, G., & Kim, C., et al. (2005). How the turtle forms its shell: A paracrine hypothesis of carapace formation. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B Molecular and Developmental Evolution, 304b(6), 558–569.   
Last edited by: Sarina Wunderlich 23 Dec 2008 22:42:52 UTC Pop. 1.75%
Gilbert, S. F., Cebra-Thomas, J. A., & Burke, A. C. (2008). How the turtle gets its shell. In J. Wyneken, M. H. Godfrey & V. L. Bels (Eds.), Biology of Turtles (pp. 1–16). Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.   
Added by: Admin 13 Dec 2008 22:23:40 UTC Pop. 3%
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