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Keyword:  Nilssonia
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Ahsan, F. M., & Saeed, A. (1989). The bostami turtle, trionyx nigricans anderson: population status, distribution, historical background and length-weight relationship. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 86, 1–6.   
Last edited by: Beate Pfau 23 Aug 2009 09:48:27 UTC Pop. 4.5%
Ahsan, F. M., Haque, N., & Fugler, C. (1991). Observations on aspideretes nigricans, a semi-domesticated endemic turtle from eastern bangladesh. Amphibia-Reptilia, 12(2), 131–136.   
Last edited by: Beate Pfau 19 Sep 2009 08:42:00 UTC Pop. 4.5%
Andrews, S. R. K., Basu, D., Singh, S., Chauhan, R., & Tripathi, A. , Hatchling and head starting programme for endangered chelonians in the national chambal sanctuary, india. implementation of recommendations from the conservation action plan for india’s freshwater turtles. Paper presented at Turtle Survival Alliance 2006 Annual Meeting.   
Added by: Admin 13 Dec 2008 16:50:04 UTC Pop. 5%
Artner, H. G. (2008). The world's extant turtle species - part 2. Emys, 15(4), 4–35.   
Last edited by: Beate Pfau 19 Jul 2009 11:55:22 UTC Pop. 6.5%
Artner, H. G., & Hofer, A. (2001). Observations on the qing ping free market, guangzhou, china, november 2000. Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter, 3, 14.   
Last edited by: Beate Pfau 08 Jul 2009 10:00:18 UTC Pop. 5.5%
Baruah, C. (2009). In situ conservation of endangered freshwater turtles through community participation programmes in the riverine chars (islands) of brahmaputra, assam, india Rufford Small Grants Foundation.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 28 Feb 2010 12:07:01 UTC Pop. 4.25%
Chittaranjan, B., Sharma, D. K., & Reza, A. A. H. M. (2010). Le trionyx noirâtre, la tortue de bostami nilssonia nigricans. Chéloniens, 18, 33–38.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 30 Jun 2012 22:00:41 UTC Pop. 3.75%
Das, I. (1987). New locality record for the indian peacock softshell turtle trionyx hurum. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 84, 691–692.   
Added by: Admin 23 Aug 2008 19:57:58 UTC Pop. 3%
Das, I., Basu, D., & Singh, S. (2010). Nilssonia hurum (gray 1830) – indian peacock softshell turtle. In A. G. J. Rhodin, P. P. van Dijk, R. A. Saumure, K. A. Buhlmann & J. B.Iverson (Eds.), Vol. 5IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 25 Jan 2011 10:31:57 UTC Pop. 4%
Das, K. C., & Gupta, A. (2011). Site records of softshell turtles (chelonia: trionychidae) from barak valley, assam, northeastern india. Journal of Trhreatened Taxa, 3(4), 1722–1726.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 25 Jun 2011 12:41:25 UTC Pop. 4.25%
van Dijk, P. P., Stuart, B. L., & Rhodin, A. G. J. (2000). Asian turtle trade Vol. 2.   
Added by: Admin 14 Aug 2008 20:40:53 UTC Pop. 5.75%
Farkas, B. (1998). Rafetus swinhoei, eine sehr seltene weichschildkröte. Emys, 5(1), 23–32.   
Last edited by: Beate Pfau 10 Jan 2009 14:07:59 UTC Pop. 4%
Gomathi, N., & Singh, R. (2000). Ganges soft-shell turtle aspideretes gangeticus predating on nilgai boselaphus tragocamelus in keoladeo national park, bharatpur, rajasthan. Reptile Rep South Asian Reptile Nework Newsletter, 97(2), 285.   
Last edited by: Beate Pfau 10 Jan 2009 17:30:09 UTC Pop. 3%
Gupta, A. (2002). The beleaguered chelonians of northeastern india. Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter, 6, 16–17.   
Added by: Admin 14 Aug 2008 20:36:23 UTC Pop. 3.5%
Hojný, L. (2006). Softshell turtles on chinese food markets. In E. Chimaira (Ed.), Turtles. Proceedings: International Turtle & Tortoise Symposium Vienna 2002 (pp. 50–51). Frankfurt am Main: Andreas S. Brahm.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 28 Feb 2010 12:07:19 UTC Pop. 3.75%
Hudson, R. , Mobilizing the conservation action plan for india’s endangered freshwater turtles and tortoises. Paper presented at Turtle Survival Alliance 2006 Annual Meeting.   
Added by: Admin 13 Dec 2008 16:50:12 UTC Pop. 4%
Kuchling, G., Lwin, T. U., & Min, S. A. , Interview based surveys on exploitation and status of endemic river turtles in upper myanmar and implications for their conservation. Paper presented at Second Congrès International sur la Conservation des Chéloniens, Saly, Senegal.   
Added by: Admin 14 Aug 2008 20:38:49 UTC Pop. 3.75%
Kuchling, G., Ko, W. K., Lwin, T. U., Min, S. A., Myo, K. M., & Khaing (II), T. T., et al. (2004). The softshell turtles and their exploitation at the upper chindwin river, myanmar: range extensions for amyda cartilaginea, chitra vandrijki, and nilssonia formosa. Salamandra, 40(3/4), 281–296.   
Added by: Admin 14 Aug 2008 20:38:49 UTC Pop. 3.5%
Kumar, B. A. (2004). Records of leith’s soft shell turtle, aspideretes leithi (gray, 1872) and asian giant soft shell turtle, pelochelys cantorii (gray, 1864) in bharathapuzha river, kerala. Zoo's Print Journal, 19(4), 1445.   
Added by: Admin 14 Aug 2008 20:38:49 UTC Pop. 2.75%
Lehr, E. (2001). Zum schildkrötenhandel in asien. Elaphe N.F., 9(1), 87–88.   
Added by: Admin 14 Aug 2008 20:40:44 UTC Pop. 4%
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