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Keyword:  Kinosternon leucostomum
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Ackman, R. G., Hooper, S. N., & Frair, W. (1971). Comparison of the fatty acid compositions of depot fats from fresh-water and marine turtles. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 40(4), 931–944.   
Added by: Admin 09 May 2010 16:30:51 UTC Pop. 6.5%
Acuña-Mesén, R. A. (1993). Las tortugas continentales de costa rica.   
Added by: Admin 13 Sep 2009 10:11:04 UTC Pop. 6%
Acuña-Mesén, R. A. (1994). Conservación y ecología de las tortugas terrestres, semiacuáticas y acuáticas (de agua dulce y marinas) de costa rica.   
Added by: Admin 13 Sep 2009 10:11:04 UTC Pop. 6.25%
Acuña-Mesén, R. A., Segura-Solís, S., Alvarado, L., & Sachsse, W. (2001). Ultraestructura de la cáscara de huevos eclosionados y no eclosionados de kinosternon angustipons (testudinata: kinosternidae): Ultrastructure of the eggshell of hatched and non hatched eggs of kinosternon angustipons (testudinata: kinosternidae). Revista de Biología Tropical, 49(3-4), 1123–1130.   
Last edited by: Beate Pfau 09 May 2009 08:42:36 UTC Pop. 4.75%
Artner, H. G., & Schaffer, G. (1997). Nomenklatur aktuell: bestimmungsschlüssel für die gattung kinosternon. Emys, 4(2), 29–33.   
Last edited by: Beate Pfau 27 Sep 2009 09:45:42 UTC Pop. 4.25%
Artner, H. G. (1997). Nomenklatur aktuell: gattung kinosternon. Emys, 4(4), 29.   
Last edited by: Beate Pfau 13 Sep 2008 07:04:50 UTC Pop. 4.25%
Bagatto, B., Guyer, C., Hauge, B., & Henry, R. P. (1997). Bimodal respiration in two species of central american turtles. Copeia, 1997(4), 834–839.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 28 Feb 2010 12:07:01 UTC Pop. 3.5%
Berry, J. F. (1978). Variation and systematics in the kinosternon scorpioides and k. leucostomum complexes (reptilia: testudines: kinosternidae) of mexico and central america. Unpublished Dr. Dissertation.   
Last edited by: Beate Pfau 13 Sep 2008 11:59:01 UTC Pop. 3%
Berry, J. F., & Iverson, J. B. (2001). Kinosternon leucostomum (duméril & bibron) white-lipped mud turtle. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles, 724, 1–8.   
Last edited by: Beate Pfau 13 Sep 2008 08:16:02 UTC Pop. 3%
Bour, R., Martelli, J.-L., & Boyer, R. (2007). Catalogue des collections de reptiles du muséum de lyon (muséedes confluences): septième note: chéloniens et crocodiliens. Cahiers scientifiques - Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Lyon, 14, 85–115.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 30 Oct 2011 14:52:31 UTC Pop. 7.5%
Bramble, D. M., Hutchison, H. J., & Legler, J. M. (1974). Kinosternid shell kinesis: structure, function and evolution. Copeia, 1974(2), 456–475.   
Added by: Admin 09 May 2010 16:30:52 UTC Pop. 3%
Bursey, C. R., & Brooks, D. R. (2011). Nematode parasites of five species of turtles from the area de conservación guanacaste, costa rica, with description of a new species of falcaustra. Comparative Parasitology, 78(1), 107–119.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 27 Mar 2011 16:16:32 UTC Pop. 4.5%
Copete-Sierra, M. (2013). Aspectos generales de la evaluación hematológica en fauna silvestre y no convencional. Memorias de la Conferencia Interna en Medicina y Aprovechamiento de Fauna Silvestre, Exótica y no Convencional, 9(1), 17–55.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:24:15 UTC Pop. 4.25%
Drews, J.-C. (1982). Beitrag zur pflege einiger kinosternonarten. Elaphe, 4(2), 17–19.   
Last edited by: Beate Pfau 30 Mar 2009 19:40:28 UTC Pop. 3.5%
Dyer, W. G., & Carr, J. L. (1990). Some ascaridid, spirurid, and rhabditid nematodes of the neotropical turtle genus rhinoclemmys in mexico and south america. Journal of Parasitology, 76(2), 259–262.   
Added by: Admin 13 Sep 2009 10:11:08 UTC Pop. 3.5%
Dyer, W. G., & Carr, J. L. (1990). Some digeneans of the neotropical turtle genus rhinoclemmys in mexico and south america. Journal of the Helminthological Society of Washington, 57(1), 12–14.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:22:46 UTC Pop. 5%
Ewert, M. A. (1991). Cold torpor, diapause, delayed hatching and aestivation in reptiles and birds. In 6557,6558 (Ed.), Egg incubation (pp. 173–191).Cambridge (Cambridge University Press).   
Last edited by: Beate Pfau 27 Sep 2009 09:06:53 UTC Pop. 4.25%
Fielder, D. P. (2011). Seasonal and diel dive performance and behavioral ecology of the bimodally respiring freshwater turtle myuchelys bellii of eastern australia. Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology, (online first), 199–209.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 27 Nov 2011 14:28:03 UTC Pop. 4.25%
Frair, W. (1972). Taxonomic relations among chelydrid and kinosternid turtles elucidated by serological tests. Copeia, 1972(1), 97–108.   
Added by: Admin 13 Sep 2009 10:11:09 UTC Pop. 3.25%
Garcés-Restrepo, M. F., Giraldo, A., Carr, J. L., & Brown, L. D. (2013). Turtle ectoparasites from the pacific coastal region of colombia. Biota Neotropica, 13(3), 74–79.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:24:26 UTC Pop. 4.5%
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