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Displaying 141 - 160 of 329 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)
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Jacobson, E. R. (1997). Diseases of the respiratory tract of chelonians. Verhandlungsbericht Erkrankungen der Zootiere(38), 1–5.   
Last edited by: Beate Pfau 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 UTC Pop. 0%
Jacobson, E. R., Gardiner, C. H., Barten, S. L., Burr, D. H., & Bourgeois, A. L. (1989). Flavobacterium meningosepticum infection of a barbour's map turtle (graptemys barbouri). J. Zoo Wildl. Med., 20, 474–477.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 13 Oct 2008 21:32:29 UTC Pop. 2.75%
James, S. B., Calle, P. P., Raphael, B. L., Papich, M., Breheny, J., & Cook, R. A. (2003). Comparison of injectable versus oral enrofloxacin pharmacokinetics in red-eared slider turtles, trachemys scripta elegans. Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery, 13(1), 5–10.   
Added by: Admin 14 Aug 2008 20:37:17 UTC Pop. 2%
Jarchow, J. L. (1992). Eye problems in chelonians. Tortoise Trust Newsletter, 1992 (1), 1–5.   
Added by: Admin 23 Aug 2008 12:14:09 UTC Pop. 2%
Jennemann, G. (2003). Panzergangrän bei europäischen landschildkröten: ein fallbeispiel zur diagnose, ursachenanalyse und behandlung. Radiata, 12(2), 23–30.   
Added by: Admin 14 Aug 2008 20:36:23 UTC Pop. 1.75%
Jennemann, G., & Bidmon, H.-J. (2009). Kotanalysen bei schildkröten - ein bildatlas zur koproskopischen diagnostik. Bergheim: Dauvi-Verlag.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 28 Feb 2010 12:07:21 UTC Pop. 2.5%
Johnson, A. J., Morafka, D. J., & Jacobson, E. R. (2006). Seroprevalence of mycoplasma agassizii and tortoise herpesvirus in captive desert tortoises (gopherus agassizii) from the greater barstow area, mojave desert, california. Journal of Arid Environments, 67, 192–201.   
Added by: Admin 22 Feb 2009 11:56:21 UTC Pop. 2%
Johnson, A. J., Morafka, D. J., Jacobson, E. R., Wendland, L. D., & Origgi, F. C. (2001). Serologic and pcr findings on captive desert tortoises in the greater barstow community, california for exposure to mycoplasma and herpesvirus. 26th Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Desert Tortoise Council.   
Added by: Admin 14 Aug 2008 22:46:46 UTC Pop. 3.25%
Jones, C. A. (2008). Mycoplasma agassizii in the sonoran population of the desert tortoise in arizona. Unpublished thesis , University of Arizona.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 18 Nov 2012 17:43:35 UTC Pop. 2.25%
Joyner, P. H., Brown, J. D., Holladay, S. D., & Sleeman, J. M. (2006). Characterization of the bacterial microflora of the tympanic cavity of eastern box turtles with and without aural abscesses. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 42(4), 859–864.   
Added by: Admin 14 Aug 2008 20:32:47 UTC Pop. 2%
Karlin, M. L. (2008). Distribution of mycoplasma agassizii in a gopher tortoise population in south florida. Southeastern Naturalist, 7(1), 145–158.   
Added by: Admin 14 Aug 2008 20:34:33 UTC Pop. 2%
Kau, H.-P. (1995). Krankheiten der europäischen süßwasserschildkröten. In Faszinierende Schildkröten: Sumpfschildkröten Naglschmid.   
Last edited by: Sarina Wunderlich 05 Nov 2008 17:24:22 UTC Pop. 3%
Kaufmann, A. F., Fox, M. D., Morris, G. K., Wood, B. T., Feeley, J. C., & Frix, M. K. (1972). Turtle-associated salmonellosis. 3. the effects of environmental salmonellae in commercial turtle breeding ponds. American Journal of Epidemiology, 95(6), 521–528.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 27 Nov 2011 14:28:10 UTC Pop. 3.25%
Klingenberg, R. (1999). Shell rot - infectious shell lesions in aquatic turtles. The Vivarium, 10(2), 22–24.   
Added by: Admin 14 Aug 2008 20:40:42 UTC Pop. 1.75%
Kodjo, A., Villard, L., Prave, M., Ray, S., Gretzel, D., & Lacherez, A., et al. (1997). Isolation and identification of salmonella species from chelonians using combined selective media, serotyping and ribotyping. Journal of veterinary medicine. B, Infectious diseases and veterinary public health, 44(10), 625–629.   
Added by: Admin 14 Aug 2008 20:40:43 UTC Pop. 1.75%
Koopmann, J. P., & Kennis, H. M. (1976). Treatment of reptiles contaminated with salmonellas. Zeitschrift für Versuchstierkunde, 18, 141–145.   
Added by: Admin 25 Aug 2008 20:41:48 UTC Pop. 1.75%
Kreindl, U., & Artner, H. G. (1996). Hilfe bei einem fall von legenot bei testudo hermanni. Emys, 3(5), 20–21.   
Added by: Admin 23 Aug 2008 15:33:03 UTC Pop. 2%
Kroenlein, K. R., Sleeman, J. M., Holladay, S. D., Joyner, P. H., Brown, J. D., & Griffin, M., et al. (2008). Inability to induce tympanic sqamous metaplasia using organochlorine compounds in vitamin a-deficient red-eared sliders (trachemys scripta elegans). Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 44(3), 664–669.   
Added by: Admin 13 Dec 2008 16:50:14 UTC Pop. 2%
Kundert, S. (2007). Upper respiratory tract disease. Testudo, 16(2), 20–21.   
Added by: Admin 14 Aug 2008 20:33:44 UTC Pop. 2%
Ladyman, J. M., Kuchling, G., Burdett, P. D., Boarman, W. I., & Raidal, S. R. (1998). Skin disease affecting the conservation of the western swamp turtle (pseudemydura umbrina). Australian Veterinary Journal, 76(11), 743–745.   
Added by: Admin 14 Aug 2008 22:46:48 UTC Pop. 2.5%
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wikindx 4.2.2 ©2014 | Total resources: 14930 | Database queries: 109 | Script execution: 0.18568 secs | Style: American Psychological Association (APA) | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography