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Keyword:  Parasiten - parasites
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Acholonu, A. D. (1969). Acanthocephala of louisiana turtles with a redescription of neoechinorhynchus stunkardi cable and fisher, 1961. Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington, 36(2), 177–183.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 06 Jul 2014 16:10:26 UTC Pop. 7%
Aguirre, A. A., Gardner, S. C., Marsh, J. C., Delgado, S. G., Limpus, C. J., & Nichols, W. J. (2006). Hazards associated with the consumption of sea turtle meat and eggs: A review for health care workers and the general public. EcoHealth, 3(3), 141–153.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:23:57 UTC Pop. 6.5%
Al-Barwari, S. E., & Saeed, I. (2007). On the helminth fauna of some iraqi reptiles. Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi, 31(4), 330–336.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:23:57 UTC Pop. 6%
Andriantsoa, R. (2013). Etude des parasites gastro-intestinaux des testudines astrochelys radiata (shaw, 1802) et pyxis arachnoides arachnoides bell, 1827, et des carnivores galidictis grandidieri (wozencraft, 1987) et canis lupus familiaris linnaeus, 1758, dans le parc national tsimanampetsotsa. Unpublished thesis , Université de Antananarivo, Antananarivo.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:23:58 UTC Pop. 5.25%
Andriniaina, J. T. (2008). Contribution à l'ètude des parasites intestinaux des astrochelys yniphora en captivité, relachés et sauvages. Unpublished thesis , Université de Antananarivo, Antananarivo.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:23:58 UTC Pop. 6.25%
Barragán-Ramírez, J. L., Oceguera-Figueroa, A., Ascencio-Arrayga, J. D. J., Rodriguez-Ramírez, F., & Navarrete-Heredia, J. L. (2013). Kinosternon integrum (mexican mud turtle) ectoparasites. Herpetological Review, 44(2), 305–306.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:24:02 UTC Pop. 4.5%
Bidmon, H.-J., & Jennemann, G. (2010). Marginata nr. 25 (1/2010), ntv verlag münster s. 58; pantchev n. (2010) buchbesprechung: G. jennemann & h-j bidmon (2009): kotanalysen bei schildkröten. dauvi verlag 64 s. (unveröffentlicht).   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:22:38 UTC Pop. 4.75%
Blackwell, W. H., Letcher, P. M., & Powell, M. (2013). An oomycete parasitizing algae occurring on dorsal shells of turtles. Phytologia, 95(1), 34–41.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:22:39 UTC Pop. 4%
Brosda, A. (2011). Untersuchungen zur infektion mit oxyuren bei mediterranen landschildkröten in menschlicher obhut und ihr einfluss auf die entwicklung juveniler testudo gr aeca. Unpublished thesis , Freie Universität Berlin, Mensch und Buch Verlag 2013.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:24:09 UTC Pop. 4.5%
Burgin, S., & Betts, J. (2013). Epibionts of the australian eastern longnecked turtle (chelodina longicollis shaw) from farm dams. Australian Journal of Zoology, 36(2), 153–158.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:22:41 UTC Pop. 4.75%
Burridge, M. J. , Control and eradication of exotic tick infestations in reptiles. Unpublished paper presented at Proceedings of the ARAV, AAWV, AAZV, NAZWV joint conference.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:24:11 UTC Pop. 3.5%
Cardells, J., Garijo, M. M., Marín, C., & Vega, S. (2013). Helminths from the red-eared slider trachemys scripta elegans (chelonia: Emydidae) in marshes from the eastern iberian peninsula: first report of telorchis attenuata (digenea: telorchiidae). Basic and Applied Herpetology, (accepted).   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:24:12 UTC Pop. 4.75%
Chitty, J., & Raftery, A. (2013). Essentials of tortoise medicine and surgery. John Wiley & Sons.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:24:14 UTC Pop. 4.5%
Cupp, E. W., Zhang, D., Yue, X., Cupp, M. S., Guyer, C., Sprenger, T. R., & Unnasch, T. R. (2004). Identification of reptilian and amphibian blood meals from mosquitoes in an eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus focus in central alabama. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 71, 272–276.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 06 Jul 2014 16:10:38 UTC Pop. 5%
Domènech Rosell, F., Marquina, R., Soler, L., Valls, L., Aznar, F. J., & Fernández, M., et al. , Helminth communities of read-eared slider, trachemys scripta, in valencia (spain): What implication have on the conservation of native turtles? Unpublished paper presented at XII Congresso Luso Espanhol de Herpetologia.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:22:45 UTC Pop. 4%
Domènech Rosell, F., Marquina, R., Soler, L., Valls, L., Fernández, M., & Aznar, F. J., et al. , Trachemys scripta: An entry way for the alien parasite neopolystoma orbiculare (monogenea) to europe. Unpublished paper presented at XII Congresso Luso Espanhol de Herpetologia.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:22:45 UTC Pop. 4%
Dvořáková, N., Kvičerová, J., Papoušek, I., Javanbakht, H., Tiar, G., Kami, H. G., & Široký, P. (2013). Haemogregarines from western palaearctic freshwater turtles (genera emys, mauremys) are conspecific with haemogregarina stepanowi danilewsky, 1885. Parasitology, (first view).   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:46:33 UTC Pop. 5.5%
Dyer, W. G., & Carr, J. L. (1990). Some digeneans of the neotropical turtle genus rhinoclemmys in mexico and south america. Journal of the Helminthological Society of Washington, 57(1), 12–14.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:22:46 UTC Pop. 5%
Ernst, C. H., & Ernst, E. M. (1977). Ectoparasites associated with neotropical turtles of the genus callopsis (testudines, emydidae, batagurinae). Biotropica, 9(2), 139–142.   
Added by: Admin 06 Jan 2014 18:24:22 UTC Pop. 4.5%
Esch, G. W., Marcogliese, D. J., Goater, T. M., & Jacobson, K. C. (1990). Aspects of the evolution and ecology of helminth parasites in turtles: A review. In J. W. Gibbons (Ed.), Life history and ecology of the slider turtle (pp. 299–307).Smithsonian Institution Press.   
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich 06 Jul 2014 16:10:43 UTC Pop. 4.25%
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