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Pressler, B. M., Goodman, R. A., Harms, C. A., Hawkins, E. C., & Lewbart, G. A. (2003). Endoscopic evaluation of the esophagus and stomach in three loggerhead sea turtles (caretta caretta) and a malaysian giant turtle (orlitia borneensis). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 34(1), 88–92. 
Added by: Admin (14 Aug 2008 20:35:31 UTC)
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Pressler2003
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Categories: General
Keywords: Caretta, Caretta caretta, Cheloniidae, Geoemydidae, Orlitia, Orlitia borneensis, Schildkröten = turtles + tortoises, Untersuchungsmethoden = examination method, Veterinärmedizin = veterinary medicine
Creators: Goodman, Harms, Hawkins, Lewbart, Pressler
Collection: Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
Views: 2/960
Views index: 13%
Popularity index: 3.25%
Three loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) and a Malaysian giant turtle (Orlitia borneensis) were presented with suspected or confirmed esophageal foreign bodies. Esophagoscopy was performed on all turtles, and gastroscopy was performed on three turtles. In all cases, endoscopy was easy to perform, and allowed visualization of most upper gastrointestinal features. The papillated esophagus was easy to navigate, but mucosal papillae in the loggerhead sea turtles prevented examination of the underlying mucosa. The stomach was easily entered and examined in both species, but the working endoscope length (100 cm) prevented inspection of the pyloric antrum and the duodenum in all turtles. The turtles in this report may serve as references for future endoscopic examinations of these species.
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