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Jha, S. (2008). Status and conservation of lowland terai wetlands in nepal. Our Nature, 6(1), 67–77. 
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich (27 Mar 2011 16:16:40 UTC)
Resource type: Journal Article
DOI: 10.3126/on.v6i1.1657
BibTeX citation key: Jha2008
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Categories: General
Keywords: Geoclemys, Geoclemys hamiltonii, Geoemydidae, Habitat = habitat, Hardella, Hardella thurjii, Indotestudo, Indotestudo elongata, Melanochelys, Melanochelys tricarinata, Morenia, Morenia petersi, Schildkröten = turtles + tortoises, Südasien = Southern Asia, Testudinidae
Creators: Jha
Collection: Our Nature
Views: 3/1141
Views index: 19%
Popularity index: 4.75%
Testudinidae Known as "Simsar" in Nepal, wetlands are those areas which lie between the land and deepwater and remian waterlogged or submerged under water, seasonally or throughout the year. Generally the land is so muddy that one cannot easily walk over it, and water is so deep that one can neither swim nor get drowned. River floodplains, shallow margins of lakes and reservoirs, shallow and seasonal ponds, islands in rivers, deepwater paddy fields, and sea-coasts are typical examples of wetlands. critically endangered: Bengal roof turtle (Kachuga kachuga) endangered: three-striped roof turtle (Kachuga dhongoka), elongated tortoise (Indotestudo elongata) vulnerable: Crowned river turtle (Hardella thurjii), Indian eyed turtle (Morenia petersi), black pond turtle (Geoclemys hamiltonii), and three-keeled land tortoise (Melanochelys tricarinata).
Added by: Sarina Wunderlich  
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