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King-Cooley, F., Riedle, D. J., Johnson, S., & Prater, L. , Home range and movements of the three-toed box turtle (terrapene carolina triunguis) in an urban environment - abstract. Unpublished paper presented at Program and Abstracts of the Tenth Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles. 
Added by: Admin (06 Jan 2014 18:22:54 UTC)
Resource type: Conference Paper
BibTeX citation key: KingCooley2012
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Categories: General
Keywords: Emydidae, Habitat - habitat, Nordamerika - North America, Schildkröten - turtles + tortoises, Terrapene carolina
Creators: Johnson, King-Cooley, Prater, Riedle
Collection: Program and Abstracts of the Tenth Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles
Views: 1/529
Views index: 10%
Popularity index: 2.5%
Urban development has negative impacts on populations of Eastern Box Turtles (Terrapene carolina) in the form of habitat fragmentation, collection, and mortalities from vehicles and free-ranging pets. There have been several studies conducted on the movement of Eastern Box Turtles within urban areas, but more work is needed to fully understand how Box Turtle populations persist within these environments. Lincoln University currently owns a 7.4-ha and a 14.7-ha green area in Jefferson City, MO, consisting of woodland and grassland habitats. Prior to the initiation of this study, many observations of Three-toed Box Turtles (T. c. triunguis) had been made by the authors. To better understand how fragmentation from urbanization affects movement patterns of Three-toed Box Turtles we outfitted 8 males and 7 females with Holohil R12B transmitters. Our objectives were to observe movements of individual turtles in relation to the two urban green areas and adjacent residential properties. We began fitting turtles with transmitters in mid-March and to date have obtained 62 locations of. Of those 62 locations, 30 were undercover, generally partially buried under leaf litter, while turtles were observed walking in the open on 8 occasions. We have also observed 3 instances of mating, and 4 occurrences of turtles on private residences. On 20 occasions telemetered turtles were in extremely dense vegetation so no visual observation was possible. Three-toed Box Turtles on this site preferred areas with some vegetation, as the mean canopy cover of all locations was 94%. Four individuals though, have been observed basking along the woodland edge on several occasions. This work lays the foundation for long-term studies of Three-toed Box Turtles at this site with strong emphasis on habitat selection, movement patterns, population structure, and growth and survivorship.
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