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Andriantsoa, R. (2013). Etude des parasites gastro-intestinaux des testudines astrochelys radiata (shaw, 1802) et pyxis arachnoides arachnoides bell, 1827, et des carnivores galidictis grandidieri (wozencraft, 1987) et canis lupus familiaris linnaeus, 1758, dans le parc national tsimanampetsotsa. Unpublished thesis , Université de Antananarivo, Antananarivo. 
Added by: Admin (06 Jan 2014 18:23:58 UTC)
Resource type: Thesis/Dissertation
BibTeX citation key: anon2013k
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Categories: General
Keywords: Astrochelys radiata, Habitat - habitat, Madagaskar - Madagascar, Parasiten - parasites, Pyxis arachnoides, Schildkröten - turtles + tortoises, Testudinidae, Veterinärmedizin - veterinary medicine
Creators: Andriantsoa
Publisher: Université de Antananarivo (Antananarivo)
Views: 7/1026
Views index: 21%
Popularity index: 5.25%
Testudinidae Geochelone An inventory of gastrointestinal parasites of two Criticaly Endangered Chelonians (Astrochelys radiata and Pyxis arachnoides arachnoides) and two Carnivora (Galidictis grandidieri – Endangered species - and Canis lupus familiaris) was curried out in Tsimanampetsotsa National Park and the surrounding areas from February to May 2012. A total of 93 fecal samples were analyzed by the "Modified Mac Master test" method: 28 belong to A. radiata, 45 to P. a. arachnoides, 02 from wild carnivore G. grandidieri and 18 from dogs (Canis lupus familiaris). 84 parasite species were identified to the level of Order in tortoises (74 Helminths, 5 Protozoa, 1 Arthropod and 4 unidentified). A. radiata and P. a. arachnoides had 44 and 53 parasite species respectively, of which 13 parasites were in common. In G. grandidieri, no parasite was identified because only 2 samples were collected, while in dogs, 08 were found with 03 identified to genus level and 5 unidentified. In both chelonians, parasite richness varied according to the site but not to sex. Age was correlated with parasite richness in A. radiata but not in P. a. arachnoides. Prevalence and parasite intensities were very high in some hosts. This could indicate a risk for these host species, currently subject to different pressures that may affect the host population status in Tsimanampetsotsa National Park.
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