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Benites, N. R., Pessoa, C., Bandini, L., Saidenberg, A., Moreno, A., & Sakata, S., et al. (2013). Microbiota bacteriana e fúngica presentes na cloaca de jabutis-piranga (geochelone carbonaria) criados em domicílio. Veterinária e Zootecnia, 20(1), 102–110. 
Added by: Admin (06 Jan 2014 18:24:03 UTC)
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Benites2013
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Categories: General
Keywords: Bakterien - bacteria, Chelonoidis carbonaria, Pilze - fungal infections, Schildkröten - turtles + tortoises, Testudinidae, Veterinärmedizin - veterinary medicine
Creators: Bandini, Benites, Gomes, Melville, Moreno, Pessoa, Saidenberg, Sakata
Collection: Veterinária e Zootecnia
Views: 2/890
Views index: 18%
Popularity index: 4.5%
Testudinidae Geochelone The popularity of tortoises kept as pets is increasing and has caused concern regarding its impact on public and animal health. There is a lack of studies involving the isolation of bacteria and fungi from cloacae of reptiles. This study aimed to investigate bacterial and fungal agents in the cloacae of a hundred Red-footed tortoises (Geochelone carbonaria) domestically kept, as well as to survey for virulence genes in Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. using PCR. A great diversity of bacterial genera (18) and fungi (9) were recovered. The microorganisms most frequently isolated were: Escherichia coli (67%), Klebsiella spp. (54%), Bacillus spp. (42%), Candida spp. (42%), Citrobacter spp. (33%), Staphylococcus spp. (29%), Aeromonas spp. (15%) and Salmonella spp. (7%). All Salmonella spp. isolates were positive for the invasion gene invA. None of the E.coli isolates was positive for virulence genes associated with enterotoxigenic, enteropathogenic and extraintestinal E. coli. Proper husbandry measures when owning a tortoise, especially regarding hygiene aspects, are necessary since they aim at the prevention of different microorganisms some, of which harboring virulence genes.
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