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Brushko, Z. K., & Kubykin, R. A. (1882). Horsfield's tortoise (agrionemys horsfieldi gray, 1844) and the ways of its rational utilization in kazakhstan. Vertebrata Hungarica, 21, 55–61. 
Added by: Admin (06 Jan 2014 18:24:09 UTC)
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Brushko1882
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Categories: General
Keywords: Asien - Asia, Habitat - habitat, Schildkröten - turtles + tortoises
Creators: Brushko, Kubykin
Collection: Vertebrata Hungarica
Views: 3/848
Views index: 17%
Popularity index: 4.25%
Testudinidae Testudo Horsfield's tortoise (Agrionemys horsfieldi Gray. 1884) is active only for 2.5-3 months a year, it grows very slowly and breeds from the age of 11-14 years old, having low reproductive capacity. Horsfield's tortoise has an uneven distribution in Kazakhstan. The principal factors influencing the population are arable farming and the exploitation of the animals. Controlled exploitation of tortoises leads to the disruption of sex and age structures of the population. The present early date set for harvesting has an adverse effect on reproduction. Guidelines for rational exploitation of tortoises in Kazakhstan are suggested.
Added by: Admin  
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