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Ernst, C. H., & Ernst, E. M. (1977). Ectoparasites associated with neotropical turtles of the genus callopsis (testudines, emydidae, batagurinae). Biotropica, 9(2), 139–142. 
Added by: Admin (06 Jan 2014 18:24:22 UTC)
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Ernst1977
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Categories: General
Keywords: Geoemydidae, Habitat - habitat, Mittelamerika - Central America, Nordamerika - North America, Parasiten - parasites, Rhinoclemmys annulata, Rhinoclemmys areolata, Rhinoclemmys funerea, Rhinoclemmys pulcherrima, Rhinoclemmys punctularia, Rhinoclemmys rubida, Schildkröten - turtles + tortoises, Südamerika - South America
Creators: Ernst, Ernst
Collection: Biotropica
Views: 3/874
Views index: 18%
Popularity index: 4.5%
Four species of Ambylomma ticks and a Placobdella leech were found in association with the turtle genus Callopsis. New host records are listed. Differences berween attachment sites of the various tick life stages exist, and the ecological significance of these are discussed. Rhinoclemmys Callopsis consists of six species which range from Sonora, Mexico, to northern Brazil, and they can be divided into rwo groups according to their ecological preferences: a terrestrial group including C. annulata (Gray), C. areolata (Dumeril and Bibron), C. pulcherrima (Gray), and C. rubida (Cope), and an aquatic group consisting of C. funerea (Cope) and C. punctularia (Daudin)
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