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Freyre, D. S. (2009). Population genetics and host specificity of spirorchis scripta in emydid turtles. Unpublished thesis , University of Nebraska-Omaha, Omaha. 
Added by: Admin (06 Jan 2014 18:24:25 UTC)
Resource type: Thesis/Dissertation
BibTeX citation key: anon2009k
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Categories: General
Keywords: Chrysemys picta, Emydidae, Graptemys ouachitensis, Habitat - habitat, Nordamerika - North America, Parasiten - parasites, Pseudemys concinna, Schildkröten - turtles + tortoises, Trachemys scripta
Creators: Freyre
Publisher: University of Nebraska-Omaha (Omaha)
Views: 1/568
Views index: 11%
Popularity index: 2.75%
Spirorchis scripta is a common turtle blood fluke distributed across North America. Specimens were obtained from turtles collected east of the Rocky Mountains and partial COX1 mtDNA was sequenced for 58 worms. Maximum parsimony analysis was performed on the resulting 848 bp COX1 fragments and revealed two strongly supported clades: a Trachemys clade and an emydid clade. The Trachemys clade consisted of worms taken only from Trachemys scripta, whereas the emydid clade consisted of worms from T. scripta, Chrysemys picta, Graptemys ouachitensis, and Pseudemys concinna. These results revealed the existence of two S. scripta lineages, one a T. scripta specialist and the other an emydid generalist. These two lineages, while morphologically indistinguishable, are distinct in their abilities to parasitize different definitive host species, even when collected syntopically.
Added by: Admin  
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