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Zuasti, A., Ferrer, C., Ballesta, J., & Pastor, L. M. (1987). Ultrastructure of the tubular nephron of testudo graeca (chelonia). a comparison between hibernating and non-hibernating animals. Histology and histopathology, 2(4), 391–400. 
Added by: Admin (24 Aug 2008 17:40:20 UTC)
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Zuasti1987
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Categories: General
Keywords: Chelonia, Cheloniidae, Histologie = histology, Physiologie = physiology, Schildkröten = turtles + tortoises, Testudinidae, Testudo, Testudo graeca
Creators: Ballesta, Ferrer, Pastor, Zuasti
Collection: Histology and histopathology
Views: 3/772
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Popularity index: 2.5%
Testudines The tubular nephron of hibernating and non-hibernating specimens of Testudo graeca (Chelonia) was studied by means of conventional light and electron microscopy and histochemistry. The tubular nephron was composed of proximal, intermediate, distal and collecting tubules in both hibernating and non-hibernating animals. The cells of the proximal tubule showed long microvilli, cytoplasmic vacuoles, a developed endoplasmic reticulum and abundant mitochondria. Fat droplets were also observed. The intermediate segment was lined by ciliated and non-ciliated cells. The lining cells of the distal tubule presented few microvilli, abundant dense mitochondria and clear vesicles of mucous appearance in the terminal portion. Collecting ducts are composed of mucous and non-mucous cells. Mucous cells presented strong reaction to the histochemical techniques detecting sialo- and sulpho-mucins. During hibernation, a progressive vacuolar degeneration of the endoplasmic reticulum was observed in all the segments of tubular nephron, which may be caused by a massive intake of extracellular water into the cell.
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