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Pluto, T. G., & Bellis, E. D. (1986). Habitat utilization by the turtle, graptemys geographica, along a river. Journal of Herpetology, 20(1), 22–31. 
Added by: Admin (24 Aug 2008 19:37:57 UTC)   Last edited by: Beate Pfau (22 Aug 2009 14:03:42 UTC)
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Pluto1986
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Categories: General
Keywords: Emydidae, Graptemys, Graptemys geographica, Habitat = habitat, Nordamerika = North America, Schildkröten = turtles + tortoises, Stress = stress, Verhalten = ethology
Creators: Bellis, Pluto
Collection: Journal of Herpetology
Views: 1/567
Views index: 7%
Popularity index: 1.75%
Graptemys geographica
Differential habitat utilization by size classes of map turtles, Graptemys geographica, was examined in the Raystown Branch of the Juniata River, Pennsylvania. A total of 924 captures or sightings was made of 92 males, 76 females, and 11 juveniles. Significant positive relationships were found between size (carapace length) and four variables: distance from shore, water depth, surface current and swimming speed. Medium-sized turtles were pushed off basking sites by large turtles significantly more often than the inverse. Relative swimming speeds, basking interactions, and predator avoidance may all play a role in size-related differential habitat utilization.
Added by: Admin  Last edited by: Beate Pfau
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