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Brewer, K., & Killebrew, F. C. (1986). The annual testicular cycle of pseudemys scripta elegans (emydidae) in the texas panhandle. Southwestern Naturalist, 31(3), 200–305. 
Added by: Admin (24 Aug 2008 20:00:10 UTC)
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Brewer1986
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Categories: General
Keywords: Emydidae, Fortpflanzung = reproduction, Habitat = habitat, Nordamerika = North America, Pseudemys, Schildkröten = turtles + tortoises, Trachemys, Trachemys scripta
Creators: Brewer, Killebrew
Collection: Southwestern Naturalist
Views: 2/702
Views index: 9%
Popularity index: 2.25%
Trachemys scripta Seasonal testicular changes were studied in 34 specimens of the red-eared turtle (Pseudemys scripta elegans) from May 1982 throuqh April 1983. Turtles were collected at two sites in Randall County, Texas. Histological examination of the testes revealed that gonial proliferation was in progress by mid-May. Maximum sperm production occurred durinq August and September and was coincident with maximum testis weight. Mature spermatozoa were transferred to the epididymides for storage over the winter. Epididymal weight was greatest in December prior to hibernation. Spermatozoa were present in the epididymal tubules throughout the year. Seasonal changes in the weight of the testes and epididymides were coincident with spermatogenic activity.
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