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Eatwell, K. (2007). Effects of storage and sample type on ionized calcium, sodium and potassium levels in captive tortoises, testudo spp. Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery, 17(3), 84–91. 
Added by: Admin (14 Aug 2008 20:34:31 UTC)
Resource type: Journal Article
BibTeX citation key: Eatwell2007
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Categories: General
Keywords: Blut = blood, Ernährung = nutrition, Physiologie = physiology, Schildkröten = turtles + tortoises, Testudinidae, Testudo, Testudo graeca, Testudo hermanni
Creators: Eatwell
Collection: Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery
Views: 1/586
Views index: 8%
Popularity index: 2%
Testudinidae Blood samples were obtained from Hermann's tortoises, Testudo hermanni, spur-thighed tortoises, Testudo graeca, and Horsfield tortoises, Testudo horsfieldi, by jugular venipuncture and were collected into heparin. Ionized calcium, sodium and potassium analyses were performed using the ion selective electrode principle. The effect of sample type (heparinized whole blood vs. heparinized plasma) and storage were evaluated. No statistically significant differences were found between ionized calcium levels determined from heparinized plasma samples stored for 48 hr at 5 degrees C (23 degrees F) and fresh heparinized whole blood. Mean ionized calcium levels determined from the heparinized plasma were: males 3.72 mEq/L (1.86 mmol/L), females 3.86 mEq/L (1.93 mmol/L) and 3.80 mEq/L (1.90 mmol/L) for the combined data. Sodium and potassium levels were also determined and there were statistically significantly lower sodium levels and higher potassium levels in the stored heparinized whole blood compared to the fresh heparinized whole blood.
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